Thursday, March 20, 2008


Back in the day (for me) I liked to listen to Cinderella. That was my middle school era. Rock was still 'BIG HAIR' and 'LOUD GUITARS'. Toughness was epitomized by eye liner and spandex. What a time that was! Anyways.....Cinderella (Google them if you don't know them) had a song with a chorus that went......' you don't know what you got....until it's gone'. How true that is.

Here lately I've taken my eye off the prize. I've been distracted. I didn't even realize it. Let me just say this first. I'm not trying to be 'preachy'. I'm just going to say it like it is (to me). My focus for so long has been on work. Money. Things. Events. Politics. People around me. And not on the things that are important (really important). You comes and goes (at least for me it does)......people come in and out of my life......things are just things.....politics, well they're anybodies guess. These things change so much. If I build my life on these's like building a house on unstable ground. I'm easily tossed back and forth like a little boat on a big ocean. And you know what?.....all these things are OK.


I've discovered that God is good. I've known this. But I had forgotten it. I have tasted it, but forgot what it tasted like. God has a way of shaking things up. These things are OK......if my life isn't built on them. I need something more stable than money to build my life on. Something to keep me grounded and focused. You life has been shaken up here lately by something unforeseen. It had nothing to do with any of these 'things' I was so focused on. It got my attention. My heart had gotten hard. It had to be softened. I'm very thankful for God shaking my life.

You see........every good thing comes from God. Your wife is a gift from God. Children are a gift from God. Your salvation is a gift from God. Even your friends. All of these things are eternal. Money will burn will EBay...... movies..... etc.... etc....etc. I mean, these things don't last forever. They change. God is the only thing that doesn't change. He was here before me....and will be after me. I mean...He made it all......made me....set things in motion. He's THE MAN! He's the one I need to get to know. Find out everything I can about Him. If you ever thought you needed to know someone to get somewhere in this life.......He's the one! When you feel your life shaking.....don't just look around...look up too! -JR

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