Sunday, March 9, 2008


I really have to watch myself. It's easy for me to get all caught up. Especially when I find something new that I really like. I'll go out and buy this and that.......thinking of new things that I need to make my new obsession complete. Fly fishing....for example.....there's always a new fly out there to line......a case....a reel. It never ends. Then there's Ebay. Makes it all easier to obsess. I know this might sound a bit extreme. But it's what I do. I am thankful that I do have a bit of restraint. I have to remind myself....that I don't really need it. Before long...I'll talk myself out of buying something that I don't really need. It's all about being grounded. What grounds me?

I think what grounds me is a sense of responsibility. First of have to have money before you can even think of buying stuff. I have to work to earn money. Even before have to make sure all of your needs and necessities are met. Then there's my wife to think of....does she need anything? These are the things that normally go through my mind when I think of buying 'stuff'. Then I ask I really need it? Can I make do with what I've got? I find myself taking 'stuff' for granted and the ability to buy 'stuff'. The ability to buy is such a luxury. I remember times in my life when 10 dollars was a lot. I thought I was in good shape if I had that much in my wallet. I guess I had much more of an appreciation for money. Times do change......but I hope I never lose my ability to be thankful and to stay grounded. Above all.......I have to remember that the ability to make money and have resources all comes from God. After all.....He does cause the rain to fall on the just and unjust. He's good that way. -JR

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