Sunday, March 30, 2008


Eventually I knew that I would be at this place in my quest to improve myself as a Fly Fisherman. But I never knew there was so much out there about tying your own flies. Blows my mind!

This is an excellent book....I did my Google research on's highly recommended. Now that I've had some time to go through the book....I've decided that there's way more to this than I could conceive of. But that's OK.......I know that I don't have to do it all. I have my limits. Plus, I also know that I don't live in an area where salmon and trout are readily available (other than the grocery store!). My joy has always been fishing with poppers. They are called 'surface bugs' in this book. But 'surface bugs' includes much more than the popper. The name describes it all. Pretty much any bug that is on the surface or just above the surface of the water. This includes: grasshoppers, spiders, dragon flies, ants, moths and butterflies (to name a few).

Even though I'm drastically narrowing down my scope of 'flies'.....this revelation greatly broadens up my repertoire of fishing lures. Most of what I fish for are bass, blue gill, brim and crappie. Sunfish in general. I don't claim to be an expert in fish nomenclature. So what I've discovered that there are 'surface bugs' that are made in the likeness of spider, moths, ants, dragon flies and grass hoppers. And they work! I've made most of my purchases off of Ebay. I've been really impressed with the selection of fishing flies available there as well as the quality of craftsman ship. All of the flies that I've gotten have been hand made and very inexpensive.

I look forward to making my own surface bugs. I know it will take time to master. I figure that I'll have lots of 'trial and error' creations......but it's all good. To me....creating my own bugs is taking fly fishing to a whole new level. To be a fly fisherman ( I believe ) there has to be a certain level of skill, some patience, balance, poise and gracefulness. In a world where most of our stuff comes from continents away at our local wonderful would it be to get a little closer to be do things the way they did them centuries ago. -JR

"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."
~by Tony Blake~

RAINBOW CITY AUCTION in Rainbow City, Alabama
The most comprehensive collection of fly fishing gear and materials in the area! PLUS......they are very friendly and helpful. The prices are excellent!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Back in the day (for me) I liked to listen to Cinderella. That was my middle school era. Rock was still 'BIG HAIR' and 'LOUD GUITARS'. Toughness was epitomized by eye liner and spandex. What a time that was! Anyways.....Cinderella (Google them if you don't know them) had a song with a chorus that went......' you don't know what you got....until it's gone'. How true that is.

Here lately I've taken my eye off the prize. I've been distracted. I didn't even realize it. Let me just say this first. I'm not trying to be 'preachy'. I'm just going to say it like it is (to me). My focus for so long has been on work. Money. Things. Events. Politics. People around me. And not on the things that are important (really important). You comes and goes (at least for me it does)......people come in and out of my life......things are just things.....politics, well they're anybodies guess. These things change so much. If I build my life on these's like building a house on unstable ground. I'm easily tossed back and forth like a little boat on a big ocean. And you know what?.....all these things are OK.


I've discovered that God is good. I've known this. But I had forgotten it. I have tasted it, but forgot what it tasted like. God has a way of shaking things up. These things are OK......if my life isn't built on them. I need something more stable than money to build my life on. Something to keep me grounded and focused. You life has been shaken up here lately by something unforeseen. It had nothing to do with any of these 'things' I was so focused on. It got my attention. My heart had gotten hard. It had to be softened. I'm very thankful for God shaking my life.

You see........every good thing comes from God. Your wife is a gift from God. Children are a gift from God. Your salvation is a gift from God. Even your friends. All of these things are eternal. Money will burn will EBay...... movies..... etc.... etc....etc. I mean, these things don't last forever. They change. God is the only thing that doesn't change. He was here before me....and will be after me. I mean...He made it all......made me....set things in motion. He's THE MAN! He's the one I need to get to know. Find out everything I can about Him. If you ever thought you needed to know someone to get somewhere in this life.......He's the one! When you feel your life shaking.....don't just look around...look up too! -JR

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I really have to watch myself. It's easy for me to get all caught up. Especially when I find something new that I really like. I'll go out and buy this and that.......thinking of new things that I need to make my new obsession complete. Fly fishing....for example.....there's always a new fly out there to line......a case....a reel. It never ends. Then there's Ebay. Makes it all easier to obsess. I know this might sound a bit extreme. But it's what I do. I am thankful that I do have a bit of restraint. I have to remind myself....that I don't really need it. Before long...I'll talk myself out of buying something that I don't really need. It's all about being grounded. What grounds me?

I think what grounds me is a sense of responsibility. First of have to have money before you can even think of buying stuff. I have to work to earn money. Even before have to make sure all of your needs and necessities are met. Then there's my wife to think of....does she need anything? These are the things that normally go through my mind when I think of buying 'stuff'. Then I ask I really need it? Can I make do with what I've got? I find myself taking 'stuff' for granted and the ability to buy 'stuff'. The ability to buy is such a luxury. I remember times in my life when 10 dollars was a lot. I thought I was in good shape if I had that much in my wallet. I guess I had much more of an appreciation for money. Times do change......but I hope I never lose my ability to be thankful and to stay grounded. Above all.......I have to remember that the ability to make money and have resources all comes from God. After all.....He does cause the rain to fall on the just and unjust. He's good that way. -JR

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Boy is it easy to lose track of time.....let the day get away from you! I know with our hectic schedules and 'to-do' seems that our time is stretched and our days seem to blur together. The horror of it all much time will go by before this is realized? Weeks? Months? Years? I don't want my life to be like that! I don't want to miss out on life. Life is happening all around us.

One of my everyday joys is to go down to the barn and shovel horse poop. I'm not's true. I love being around the horses......the goats......the cats....dogs and the lone duck. How does this tie into life? I enjoy watching them as they interact with one another. Even from species to species. There is a respect for one another...and at times a healthy fear. My horse...Rosie....loves the new green grass that's growing up in the field. It's probably not even an inch tall....yet she loves eating it. It's worth it for her to invest so much time. I feed her plenty of corn...hay...and other feed....but she loves that little green grass. My question is....what do you love?

I love to fish. Especially fly fishing. I love it! Yesterday and today I managed to sneak in a few minutes here and there while down at the barn. At the other end of the pasture is a pond. It's my favorite place to practice my casting. It was a joy to just throw my line back and forth in and out of the water. It was relaxing. It was well worth the effort to make time to do what I love. is an effort to make time to enjoy life. It is something that we must do. We're humans......not machines. Find your green grass.....and enjoy it! -JR